Sunday, November 29, 2009

What are internet explorer script errors and how can i fix this problem?

You receive this error message because of recent automatic updates to Internet Explorer that have installed a script debugging device on your system. We're working on trying to find it and delete it also. Freakin' *** Bill Gates always trying to usurp control over our computers!

Hope this helps!


iPowerGRFX Website Designers


Im still having internet explorer script errors after i disable script debugging and other!?

message is an error has occurred on the script on this page do you want to continue running script on this page,i click no it still comes up every 20 seconds,but only when im playing a game on line,no where else it happens.can anyone please help,i've done everything possible to stop it nothing helps so far!

Im still having internet explorer script errors after i disable script debugging and other!?microsoft updates

Do this. On explorer,tools,internet options,advanced and hit the "restore defaults" This should fix it.

Im still having internet explorer script errors after i disable script debugging and other!?windows server 2003 internet explorer

You can try this tool to fix it:

Good luck!

Im getting internet explorer script errors, on windows xp, what do i do to get rid of the errors? pa

switch to firefox.

seriously, it's way better.

Im getting internet explorer script errors, on windows xp, what do i do to get rid of the errors? part 2?windows media

Are you getting annoying messages such as "A Runtime Error has occurred. Do you wish to Debug?" or "Internet Explorer Script Error. An error has occurred in the script on line 1. Do you wish to continue running scripts on this page?"

There are three reasons why these problems occur. The first is that the web page author made some programming error. The second reason may be that you are running a pop-up killer that closes pop-up windows so fast that the script on the web page fails. The third is that you might have some adware or spyware installed on your computer that opens the script error pop-ups.

How to disable script and runtime errors

You can configure Internet Explorer to ignore these script and runtime errors. Please follow this step-by-step guide:

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Click on Tools, then on Internet Options.

3. Click on the Advanced tab.

4. Look for the "Disable script debugging" line and put a check mark in the box.

Im getting internet explorer script errors, on windows xp, what do i do to get rid of the errors? part 2?microsoft exchange internet explorer

go to:

How do I remove scripting errors with Internet Explorer?

I have already done the internet options thing and made sure that the debug this in unchecked.

This is starting to drive me nuts. I use windows xp with service pack 2. I cant go to anysite usually with out it asking to debug or getting this as one of the errors:

"A runtime error has occured" Do you wish to debug Line 324 error expected with yes or no.

I have looked at and am lost. I dont want to loose all my info on my computer. I used to have a Visual Basic demo on my pc, but I uninstalled it correctly.

How do I remove scripting errors with Internet Explorer?microsoft vista

Hi, perhaps there is a virus with your IE. I recommand you to use firefox with Google toolbar, which can disable the virus to run in your browser, because the virus can only run on IE.

firefox can block any any poppus and disable any virus and spyware, adware on webpage, so, firefox is much safer than IE. as you know, most of the virus is spread throught internet and webpage.

firefox is much smaller than IE, so i run faster than IE.

download firefox for free:

Best Wishes %26amp;%26amp; Good Luck!

How do I remove scripting errors with Internet Explorer?windows xp pro internet explorer

If you read the option, it says

"Disable script debugging in Internet Explorer."

That means if you want script debugging disabled, you need to have that option checked.

What are these Internet Explorer Script errors which always keep appearing?

This will get rid of them for you:

Open Internet Explorer, click on Tools at the top, click Internet Options.

In the window that comes up click on the Advanced tab at the top, and check BOTH of the boxes that say "Disable Script Debugging", and also check the box that says "Display a Notification about every script error".

Now click OK, and close Internet Explorer and reopen it. Try the site you got the error on and it should not give an error.

What are these Internet Explorer Script errors which always keep appearing?ds browser

wish I knew that too. Will be watching to see what the answer is!!!

What are these Internet Explorer Script errors which always keep appearing?microsoft templates internet explorer

i have the same problem, thats why i don't use explorer anymore, i now just use firefox, which is much better.

How do I download the full version of Yahoo messenger. I get errors i.e. Internet explorer can not o

When I try to dowload the full version of messenger it keeps throwing up errors such as Internet explorer can not open this page or Yahoo suite has encountered a problem and will now close. Is there a setting on my comp that I can change that will allow me to down load the full version?

How do I download the full version of Yahoo messenger. I get errors i.e. Internet explorer can not open page.?windows media center

go to the ste below to download full verision uncluding old verisio of yahoo messenger

How do i stop internet explorer script errors?

Try tools/internet options/advanced/browsing/ 1. Put check-mark in "disable script debugging"(Both "other" and Internet Explorer" boxes) and . 2. Remove check mark from "Display a notification about every script error". /apply/OK , and then Try tools/internet options/advanced/scroll down: under Microsoft virtual machine make sure all boxes are unchecked.

How to Troubleshoot Script Errors in Internet Explorer =

How to disable script and runtime errors in Internet Explorer =

flush your dns . start/run/ ipconfig/flushdns/ok

Make sure you have all windows critical and security updates.

Troubleshooting Run-Time Error Messages =

How do i stop internet explorer script errors?microsoft office 2003

Click on Tools menu, select Internet Options

Go to Advanced tab, then check the:

Disable Script Debugging (Internet Explorer)

Disable Script Debugging (Other)

How do i stop internet explorer script errors?windows xp professional internet explorer

download firefox its a safer and better browser and it free

I keep getting internet explorer script errors all the time any answers are welcome?

On;internet options%26gt;advanced and hit the reset button.Done

I keep getting internet explorer script errors all the time any answers are welcome?microsoft works

Get firefox, it's more secure and more compatible with the internet.

When I play Yahoo Chess Internet Explorer often errors out and shuts down on me. Then my game is for

This is driving me crazy. Does anyone know how to stop this from happening?

When I play Yahoo Chess Internet Explorer often errors out and shuts down on me. Then my game is forfeited.?replacement windows

The first thing you do when you enter lounge is check play small window in option box Once you sit, you can expand the room to see the chat area. You only see the top half of the cards but there are no ads!!! How about that? If you have a speed accelerator turn it off to play games.

You may also, need to increase your memory after deleting temporary files and history.

Go to START, then control panel, system(close to bottom),advanced,performance settings, advanced, virtual memory,click on change, click on custom size,and change to 526 or higher and then ok. Whew lol!

I keep getting an an "internet explorer script errors. How can I fix this, please help?

Open IE go to Tools %26gt; Internet Options - open the Advanced tab. Scroll down the list and disable script debugging. Click apply, click ok.


I keep getting an an "internet explorer script errors. How can I fix this, please help?windows explorer

Stop using Internet Exploder and use Firefox.

I keep getting an an "internet explorer script errors. How can I fix this, please help?microsoft zune internet explorer

go to IE properties or Internet Options (the name changes depending on your version of IE) go to Advanced tab and restore settings to DEFAULT.

A better advise will be to stop using that browser and use a better one. Like Firefox.
If there is an error actually on the web page, it is a fault of the developer. In this case a BETTER BROWSER will not help.

If the web page is known to be error free, you likely have a problem with IE which can be a virus or malware.

Try deleting your cache and reload the page:

Main menu -%26gt; Tools -%26gt; Internet Options -%26gt; General Tab, and hit "Delete files." Do not use "Delete all" if you're in IE 7, at least for now, see "cookies" below.

When prompted, delete all offline content is not necessary

Do NOT delete cookies on the first cleanup - this will nuke all your logins and stuff. Go ahead and do this without deleting cookies, close the browser, reopen it and retry the page.

If that doesn't fix it, repeat the above process and delete the cookies. You will have to re-enter all logins on sites such as this one.

At this point it's a good idea to scan your system with AVG, run Spybot Search and Destroy, then run AdAware to make sure there is no malware or spyware interfering.

If it's still erroring, most people don't need to know about the errors. Go to

Main menu-%26gt;tools-%26gt;Internet Options-%26gt;Advanced tab

Uncheck the box that says "Display a notification about every script error."

I keep getting a Internet explorer script errors when i try to get windows live one care safety scan

in internet explorer:

goto tools%26gt;internet options%26gt;security%26gt;security level for this zone: medium-high

I keep getting a Internet explorer script errors when i try to get windows live one care safety scanner. Why??windows media player 10

if it goes on and on

then just use something else then windows live one care safety

What is wrong i keep getting internet explorer script errors?

how do i get rid of it? they are annyoing plz help meh

What is wrong i keep getting internet explorer script errors?microsoft powerpoint

Try disabling Script Debugging. If there are problems with the script on websites you visit, you'll get the error message constantly.

-In IE on the Tools menu, click Internet Options

-Click Advanced

-Click to select the Disable script debugging check boxes

-Click to clear the Display a notification about every script error check box

-Click Apply, Click OK

-A reboot may be required for your settings to stick

For more info on Script Debugging, see this Microsoft webpage


If script debugging doesn't work, try updating to the most recent version of Java, instructions below:

Problems can occur if you are running more than one version of Java as they can cause conflicts with each other. Furthermore, Java has a nasty habit of not removing older versions when updating to the newest so you have to uninstall old versions manually.

Assuming that you are in the Administrator account, go to Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs and uninstall everything that says J2SE, Java and Java Runtime. Reboot (some computers require a reboot to complete the uninstall process). Then go to the site below and download the most recent version of Java.

Afterwards, in IE, go to Tools, Internet Options, Advanced tab and scroll down to the Java section and tickmark the "Use 1.6.2 (version changes with each update) for applet". Click Apply, Click OK and reboot (a reboot is required for some computers for the settings to stick).

If you are using Firefox, again check to make sure that no older versions are listed in Add/Remove Programs and then install it from the webpage below.

Then go to Tools %26gt; Options %26gt; Content %26gt; Enable Java

What is wrong i keep getting internet explorer script errors?windows xp sp2 internet explorer

You can try this tool to fix it:

Good luck!

How do I get rid of continuous "Internet Explorer Script Errors"?

I run registry fix, but no results...often have to turn computer off to stop.

How do I get rid of continuous "Internet Explorer Script Errors"?microsoft live

It might just be that the websites you are trying to access are not well written. Try upgrading your internet explorer to version 7, or better block internet explorer completely and install firefox2 which is light years better and when it crashes it does not crash your system unlike internet explorer.

good luck

How do I get rid of continuous "Internet Explorer Script Errors"?microsoft internet explorer internet explorer

Well dude let me tell you a story. There was this one time when I left my house to buy some bread and Wild Turkey at my favorite liquor store. I got there and found that the store was being jacked and so I reached into my pocket and found that I had some tater tots left from last week and so I ate them and left the store. This caused me to have a moment of enlightenment. I hope this helps you.
Personally, I would recommend you to use Mozilla browser. But if you still want to use Internet Explore, then upgrade it to version 7.0

Most likely your problems will go away
Have you considered updating your browser to Internet Explorer 7? It is out of the beta phase and is available for download for free at This new release is supposed to be more secure, allows you more control over and easier access to your browser's temporary Internet files, browsing history, cookies, stored password files and more. Also, "Tabbed Browsing" really takes surfing the Internet to the next level. Make sure your computer meets the minimum system requirements before downloading, and be sure to disable anti-virus/firewall programs running during installation. Good Luck.

Internet explorer error with home page?

I keep getting an error - Internet Explorer cannot open The only fix i have found is to clear cookies and files from IE options tab. The error comes up every 2 - 3 weeks. Why??????????????

Internet explorer error with home page?windows server 2003

Are you using IE 7 ?

There are apparently some issues with it, for example:

If so, make sure you apply all the patches.

Internet explorer error with home page?windows xp service internet explorer

Try a differnet broweser and see if that fixes. Download Firefox either from or the portable version does not require installation at all from should work if not let me know
You need to set the home page as, not

Click on Tools, Internet Options and enter the correct address in the home page address. Other than that, I doubt if anything much is wrong, and you don't have to change your browser to get it fixed.

Internet explorer??

my internet explorer has a runtime error and wont turn on. does anyone know how to fix this error?

Internet explorer??windows xp pro

You could try the System Restore which takes you back to a time when your computer was working good. Go To:




systems tools

system restore

This process is completely reversable. And does not remove your personal files. Just go back one checkpoint at a time until your puter is working good again.


Internet explorer??microsoft net framework internet explorer

i dont know how to fix it, but just switch to a better browser

Mozilla Firefox

neat browser. Skinnable, rarely crashes, and you can use extentions with it to check weather n anything else you find

check it out =)
if you have 7, downgrade to 6. 7 has a bug or something, it does that. just go to its free. (and no, it is not illegal)
uninstall the ie and then reinstall

Internet explorer?

internet explorer is not opening error message "sorry for incovinience " SEND , DONT SEND. SO WHAT TO DO NOW . TELL ME SOLUTION , IDONT WANT FORMAT MY PC.

Internet explorer?microsoft templates

set up the ie correctky



Over time IE7 seems to set its own (or programs do) tick boxes in the advance tab.

In IE7 Tools %26gt;Internet Options %26gt;Advance Tab

Click Restore advance settings defaults button.

Then scroll the listings down to near the bottom and:

Tick empty temp files when browser closes (this empties the cache, which if not empty, will stop you from going online).

Bullet disable phishing filter (optional. Leave it on if you want that type of protection, usually for financial data like internet banking)

Delete Browser History, cookies, add ons, the whole lot regularly.

Close the browser to set the settings.

Internet explorer?windows firewall internet explorer

download firefox, install, STOP YELLING
If you are really keen on using internet explorer, install the latest version from site, that will solve the issue. Better to fix the issues with internet explorer, that is the one used in the back ground on many functions.

Otherwise download mozilla firefox from net and use it.
USE FIREFOX! AARRRGGGHHHH!!! Or Opera. They are at least as good as IE.

Internet Explorer Error message... what is wrong?

I keep getting this error message from internet explorer: "Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

And then it automatically kicks me off the internet and erases what I'm doing. Is something wrong with my computer, or is it internet explorer itself? I tried downloading FireFox instead, but internet explorer gives me an error message with that also when I try to download it, and kicks me off from downloading it. What's the problem? It's extremely annoying!

Internet Explorer Error message... what is wrong?nintendo ds browser

This sounds like a house call to me but I'll try to talk you though it as best I can.

Something has gone wrong and it is probably slight but hard to find. This often means that something is getting in the way.

IE is like a magnet for bits and bobs. Most are harmless and many are helpful but some are downright nasty. They don't count as viruses so they often slip through. I usually end up with people paying me to get this stuff back off the PC again.

If you know how to get IE (not windows) to load in safemode then do that or you can try windows in safe mode (I bet if it works it works perfectly) or go to a friends house with a CD-RW, flashdrive or similar and grab one or more of the tools I've given in the links.

I'll bet you good money things work better after you have used them.

I can not assure you that things will stay fixed because I don't know what you will find. One time I spent a day cleaning a PC and when I restarted it the badware reinstalled itself. It had hidden very, very well and was a nasty one to clean off.

On average this stuff comes out easy as pie. While you are downloading stuff grab yourself a copy of Firefox so it's available as an option should you need it again. I love the browser but it's horses for courses - use what works best for you.

Internet Explorer Error message... what is wrong?windows 98 internet explorer

Hi there. Try clearing your cache and cookies first then open a new Internet Explorer browser. If it will give you the same error, try restarting your pc and try again.
Some critical files are corrupted in MSIE.
did u try to manage ur add-ons or maybe the site ur going to , won't let u , do to ur fire wall

Internet Explorer "Error on page"?

My Internet Explorer doesn't load things like Youtube videos (although it loads the rest of the page) and google images. Also, I can't get to the hotmail sign in page. I have Internet Explorer 7 and the latest Flash player and shockwave player.

Oh also, on EVERY page that loads, in the bottom left hand corner, there is a page with an exclamation mark saying error on page.

I really need help.

Internet Explorer "Error on page"?windows mail

It may have nothing to do with it but it's worth a try, I kept getting an error message and had real problems and I took off Adobe and reinstalled it as sometimes the flashplayer causes problems.

Also, we got a thing through the door for a free trial on Windows Adviser and I used it to clean up a lot of things I didn't know existed as well as changing settings which have made it faster and it now closes down quicker.

If you can get it, go for it, it's great.

Good luck?

Internet Explorer "Error on page"?microsoft maps internet explorer

I understand your frustration. I was trying to do my grocery shopping on line @ Tesco earlier in the week %26amp; every time I tried to put an item in the shopping basket I got that very same message. Wrote out a shopping list %26amp; sent the other half to Tesco in person ......2 hrs 45 mins later!
i suggest you change your browser to firefox. much nicer. otherwise, sounds like you need java installed.

-may have viriuses on computer

-site may be blocked

-loading may be too heavy for computer to handle
Check on the Security settings in IE. ( In Tools, Internet Options, Security) You may have them set too high, so stopping some things loading.

Check on Privacy as well. Many sites need to load a cookie before they can log you in.
use the latest version of java.

also check your security settings.

good luck
to get rid of the "errors on page" message open internet explore click on tools %26gt;internet options click on the advanced tab now scroll down the list under Browsing remove the tick out of the box that reads "Display a notification about every script error" click apply and that should cure your problems

Internet Explorer Error Over & Over & Over???

Everyday, several times a day I keep getting an error message saying that Internet Explorer has encountered an error and needs to close. If I click on "send error report" it sends the report then closes the windows, if I click on "debug" or "don't send" it just closes the windows without doing anything. If I click on the box to see what the rror report is it lists:

"APPName: iexplore.exe AppVer: 7.0.6000.16574 ModName: unknown ModVer: Offset: 409504c0"

This is a work computer so I can't download firefox or any other browswers, I would like to fix explorer. Any suggestions? Also, this happened even before I upgraded to explorer 7.0. Help! :)

Internet Explorer Error Over %26amp; Over %26amp; Over???microsoft zune

It could be a variety of reasons such as incompatible Add-ons, incompatible toolbars, lack of system resources (RAM), malware, Java problems, etc. Hard to say without knowing the error details.

First run your resident security products such as antivirus and antispyware applications. If everything comes up clean, try uninstalling your toolbars such as Google or Yahoo through Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs. If the issues continue, go to Tools, Manage Add-ons and disable each one by itself to see if one of them is the culprit. If you are still having troubles, update your Java by following these steps.

Assuming that you are in the Administrator account, go to Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs and uninstall everything that says J2SE, Java and Java Runtime. Reboot (some computers require a reboot to complete the uninstall process). Then go to the site below and download the most recent version of Java.

Afterwards, in IE, go to Tools, Internet Options, Advanced tab and scroll down to the Java section and tickmark the "Use 1.6.2 (version changes with each update) for applet". Click Apply, Click OK and reboot (a reboot is required for some computers for the settings to stick).

Finally if everything above has been ruled out, you probably have a system resources problem. You can see if your computer can handle more RAM by going to and running a scan.

It's important to note that everything takes RAM. Not only security products (such as active anti-spyware, anti-virus and firewall) eat up memory but your operating system, active browser windows, running applications (such as Word, Gaming, Messenger, Photoshop, etc) and malware

Internet Explorer Error Over %26amp; Over %26amp; Over???windows nt internet explorer

just remove it %26amp; instal iexplore7 again!!! this will rectify ur prob!!
If possible, download a spyware scanner such as Spybot Search %26amp; Destroy or Adaware. Internet Explorer could be infected by malware.

But, obviously, the best way would be to get Firefox or uninstall IE and install the latest version.
stop using internet exploder! download firefox!
explorer sucks

get firefox
Microsoft suggest 2 issues:-

1%26gt;This problem occurs because one of the following browser helper objects (BHO, it is like add-ons to internet explorer,like yahoo toolbar etc) is installed on your computer:



?Morpheus Shopping Club

?WURLD Shopping Community

2%26gt;Additionally, you logged on to the computer with a limited user account (since it is your work computer, and you may not be logging with user account who cann't make changes). The BHO (add-ons to your IE) tries to modify certain system files and Windows Registry entries that require administrative credentials to access. As a result, when the BHO cannot access these files and registry entries, Internet Explorer stops abruptly.

if it is 2nd reasons, ensure your user account got full administrative rights before you can upgrade to IE7. About BHO microsoft doesn't tell anything except ensure that it is not installed and to check that software website how to uninstall it.
*lol* If its a work computer make tech support fix it!

Otherwise uninstall and reinstall is your best bet.

How to fix Internet Explorer 7 install Errors?

So I'm trying to update my Internet Explorer to 7.

I currently have Windows XP SP2. Everytime I try to install the update, it says it was unsuccessful and when I close the setup box, it pops up with:

The instructions at 0x76c941b1 referenced memory at 0x76c941b1. The memory could not be written

What can I do to fix it?

How to fix Internet Explorer 7 install Errors?microsoft net

Try using firefox. its better than IE cause its safer, faster, and much easier to run. not to mention the ability to block all ads and be fully customizable.

How to fix Internet Explorer 7 install Errors?microsoft flight simulator internet explorer

Press right button on C drive from my computer then select Properties-%26gt;Tools-%26gt;Check Now

after computer restart it will scan disk for error.

this might solve the problem

Internet Explorer Error everytime I close?

Ever since I installed Internet Explorer 7, my PC has kinda slowed down, and everytime I try to close it, I get an error message:

"internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvinience"

I have three options: Debug, Report, Close. None of them help!

The error signature says:

AppName: iexplore.exe AppVer: 7.0.5730.11 ModName: skypei~1.dll

ModVer: Offset: 00011ce2

Internet Explorer Error everytime I close?microsoft internet explorer

You have a corrupt file with skype, You need to uninstall skype in add and remove programs and do a spyware scan, Windows defender or lavasoft both are free and then reinstall skype.....Good Luck

Internet Explorer Error everytime I close?microsoft downloads internet explorer

open IE, goto Tools%26gt;Manage Add-ons%26gt;Enable or Diable Add-ons

look for the one which is for Skype Phone

select it and disable it

apply and now check if same problem?
go to control panel then add and remove programs click on IE7 and click remove a box should come up with a repair option on it

Internet explorer error.....?

when ever i open a internet explorer a error interupts me it's a application.exe error and give me three options

1) details

2) continue

3) quit

in all conditions it closes all me explorer windows..

i m fed up with all this

Plz suggest me a solution to solve this ploblem..

Internet explorer error.....?windows vista ultimate

I would download a copy of mozilla firefox. It's better then internet explorer on so many levels. Opera is also a great choice. Opera is easier on your computer, memory wise, and it renders web pages lightning fast. Internet Explorer is horrible and you'll realise that once you have tried an alternative.

Internet explorer error.....?default browser internet explorer

Either reinstall internet explorer or use some other browser like mozilla firefox.
try to install mozilla firefox or opera and use it. If the problem persists, I think, you might need to format the system and continue.
i suggest u download the internet explorer from the

below link again and use it ... its the latest ...

never mind if u got the latest already just download

it and install it once again ...

by the way i found i.e. fast enough on vista only

so if ur using vista keep using i.e.

but if ur using xp i suggest u get firefox or the

opera and use em as ur default browsers ...

My dear friend dont be shocked as your computer is infected by malware / suspicious or virus. So please installed valid Anitvirus
internet explorer is not that gud comparing to opera and firefox

i have both firefox and opera .. you can use either they work gr8 ..

or u can try removing viruses .. get AVG anti virus .. or norton

Hey first of all Download Spybot

then run a scan it'll help u remove all the adware or malware on ur PC.. Then Run IE..Hope it should work now....

Secondly I'll recommend Firefox for surfing the web it's the best...If u want to stay away from spywares...
format your computer and then reinstall os to resolve it. MS windows and their application suxxxx ... long live linux.
download firefox....and u wont bother abt ie ne more :)

Internet Explorer Error... What should I do?

Whenever I go online an internet explorer error always comes up every three minutes... and it kicks me offline... The error says...

Appname: iexplore.exe

Appver: 6.0.2900.2180

Offset: 03a36c7f

ModName: unknown

ModVer: o.o.o.o

The Offset numbers always change every time the error comes up... that was just one time. When I tried to get help with this before, I would have had to pay, and I do not want to pay. The help would be greatly appriciated. Thanks!

Internet Explorer Error... What should I do?microsoft net framework

i had this problem before and what i did i just updated my internet explorer browser.

Internet Explorer Error... What should I do?windows xp themes internet explorer

I don't have a direct answer, but I have had luck searching the white papers on Microsoft's web site.

Also, I would run a memory scan and disk scan. It could be hardware related.
you dump it and use something so much better like Mozilla Firefox.

Why does my internet explorer keep haveing errors?


Why does my internet explorer keep haveing errors?windows firewall

According to your description,there may have some regsitry errors in your PC to cause "INTERNET EXPLORER HAS ENCOUNRTED A PROBLEM AND HAS TO SHUT DOWN. iT ".You need to clean you PC.

Every time you install and uninstall software on your computer you create junk in the registry.You need to scan and

clean your PC with registry cleaner.

There are some comparison and review of registry cleaners.

You can download and scan your PC for free.

Certificate errors,within internet explorer,having trouble,logging in to my web page.?

when i tryed to log in to ,my web page it said invalid name or caps lock was on (but it is not) it said securty certificate was invalid for this web page, go to e/ex, look for certificate errors, but i cannot seem to find any thing about it, please can you help!!!

Certificate errors,within internet explorer,having trouble,logging in to my web page.?windows xp home

why do require a pass for the net in the first place is there a way to disable this

if not try creating another account making the new one with admin rights when done delete the old user account sadly you might need to install anything you have installed for your user account you had but not too worry all the files to install shall remain you just have to set them up

if this isnt helpful me email addy is

just mail me or put me in messenger and i would be glad to try and help

Certificate errors,within internet explorer,having trouble,logging in to my web page.?microsoft visual studio internet explorer

Yes mmmmmmm?

Word press error in internet explorer error 80020101 wordpress?

word press error in internet explorer error 80020101 wordpress, how do i fix this?, you can see the error

what do i do?

Word press error in internet explorer error 80020101 wordpress?

Page can not be displayed message is all i get .

Microsoft Internet Explorer error report, problem existed with yAssist Module, need repair update?

Was having trouble accesing the Internet Explorer, error reports kept coming up, sent report to Microsoft internet explorer and they replied that the problem existed with yAssist module and to contact the Yahoo Inc web site for the solution. What is this solution?

Microsoft Internet Explorer error report, problem existed with yAssist Module, need repair update?windows nt

hi i am pavan and i am sure that u r computer is effected by virus so first uninstal u r internet explorer and dowen load an new version of IE or get the mozilla browser from

and instal new version of symetric anti virus.

Microsoft Internet Explorer error report, problem existed with yAssist Module, need repair update?windows 95 internet explorerHelp! My computer: HP Media Center PC Program XP professional: My problem is when I click on a read news item, a large window comes up and then indicates (in the lower left hand botton corner) that it is complete (closed). I have tried everything. Can you provide an answer???? Steve Bierce Report It

I need help. Report It

Internet Explorer error while playing Sacred Game...?

Ok, here's the deal...I updated to the latest patch with all the fixes etc. I start playing Sacred and about five minutes later it throws me out of the game completely with a message saying, " internet Explorer excountered a problem" with send or don't send error report...This happens nomatter what I do, is there any way to disable this somewhere? or something ? some way to get around all this error reporting garbage. I cannot update due to non-genuine issue, and don't know what else to do.

Internet Explorer error while playing Sacred Game...?microsoft flight simulator

internet explorer is free the windows versions are not. Just go download latest patches. If for some reasonI'm not understanding questions then go to add remove programs and start removing the patches you have instaled one by one until you are back working again.

Constant Internet Explorer Error.?

When ever I try to go to websites, or links or any site what so ever from anything sometimes the window will show up normally, but turn into this:


Internet Explorer Cannot Display the webpage

Most likely causes:

You are not connected to the Internet.

The website is encountering problems.

There might be a typing error in the address.

What you can try:

Check your Internet connection. Try visiting another website to make sure you are connected.

Retype the address.

Go back to the previous page.

More information

This problem can be caused by a variety of issues, including:

Internet connectivity has been lost.

The website is temporarily unavailable.

The Domain Name Server (DNS) is not reachable.

The Domain Name Server (DNS) does not have a listing for the website's domain.


There is NO reason why it should do it, internet is connected and all that, it's coming more often, and it's incredibly annoying, how can I fix this?

Constant Internet Explorer Error.?microsoft sql server

this happened to me


these steps below will help clean up your computer and make it faster

In Internet explorer at top of window select tools - then delete browser history

- then another box will open - select delete all- this will not remove your book marks

-Then close explorer then open again .At first pages will be slow once

and then will load fast after it loads 1 time.Also email etc you will have to sign in 1 time with pass word etc.

This will create new cookies.

Also go to start at bottom of on task bar.

click start 1 time then select find or search depending on your operating system.

Select all files and folders - then type in defrag and click search.When icons come up double click

and new box will come up - select analyze then you will see how fragmented you are -

then choose defrag.You can put this program on your desk top by right clicking on the icon you found in search for defrag.

Right click choose create short cut.This will put a short cut on your desk top.Then you can use as needed in future.


find search delete history

on key boad press ctlr H

no software needed

you have what you need

find search delete history

on key board press ctlr h first

In Internet explorer at top of window select tools

then delete browser history - then another box will open - select delete all- this will not remove your book marks

Then close explorer then open again .At first pages will be slow once

and then will load fast after it loads 1 time.Also email etc you will have to sign in 1 time with pass word etc.

This will create new cookies.

Also go to start at bottom of on task start 1 time then select find or search depending on your operating system.

Select all files and folders - then type in defrag and click search.When icons come up double click and new box will come up

select analyze then you will see how fragmented you are - then choose defrag.You can put this program on your desk top

by right clicking on the icon you found in search for defrag.

Right click choose create short cut.This will put a short cut on your desk top.Then you can use as needed in future.

if you want book marks removed click on star at top of screen

right click the ones you don"t want choose delete



type in disk clean up

go start on blue bar (task bar)

choose search or find

then choose all files and folders

type in word you are looking for

when you see these icons

double click on them until you find what you are looking for

so you dont have to do this again

go back to same icon

right click

choose create short cut on desk top

close all windows

a new icon will be on your desk to

click to open

to not see all of your searches that began with a certin letter

Under internet options


turn off autocomplete for web addresses.


add and remove programs

remove programs you are not using

click start bottom left on task bar

control panel

add and remove programs

find the program(s) you want to remove

choose remove

reinsall if needed

check status as you do it

be safe

don"t remove what you don"t what it is

Constant Internet Explorer Error.?windows themes internet explorer

Maybe your anti-virus' "halt internet traffic" is on, or maybe try upgrading your ie6 to ie7 or get the latest updates.
check you security settings they may be too high. set all to medium low. you do this by clicking on tools in internet explorer then internet options then click on each of the icons and set to medium low.
step 1: find out why it is doing this

step 2: if possible switch to Mozilla Firefox 2.0

step 3: if step 2 skipped, solve the problem (cant help cuz need more info)
If you are using a wireless connection, it stinks. Try unplugging the router for about 5 seconds and putting it back in. After 30 seconds, you should be able to reconnect. If this problem persists, then look for interference from other sources. If other wireless routers are nearby, you might have to change the channel. If you have a cheap wireless phone near the router or computer, try moving it about 3 or more feet away. HEY, if you are near the router, then try using a wire. It's more reliable than wireless. But maybe your wireless router is going bad. But maybe the wireless adapter in your computer is going bad.

If you are hard wired to a router or high speed modem, then maybe turning the router off, then on will help... I might suspect a bad cable that gets flakey. Hold everything still and try it. Then wiggle things to see if it gets worse.

"Annoying" is only a reminder to you to get something fixed RIGHT AWAY. Once that's fixed... it's something else again.

Good luck and Happy Computing!

What does "Internet Explorer Script Error" mean?

I was trying to do a scan of my PC using the Onecare free safety scanner, but a message kept on coming up. At the top the message said: "Internet Explorer Script Error".

Under that it said: "An error has occurred in the script on this page."

It gave further details as follows: -

Line 2

Char 1

Error Invalid character

Code URL about blank.

Then it said: "Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?"

I have tried switching off my PC and re-starting it, but nothing will get rid of these Internet Explorer error messages.

What has caused this problem, and how can I get rid of it? I haven't found any other problems with my computer yet. I'd be glad of any help.Thanks!

What does "Internet Explorer Script Error" mean?microsoft downloads

An Internet Explorer Script Error occurs when your web browser (Internet Explorer) experiences difficulties running a client-side script from a web site.

These scripts may be in JavaScript, JScript, or VisualBasic script.

In most cases, these errors are a result of something done by the web developer who implemented the script on the web page and there is nothing that you can do to resolve the error.

Disabling Internet Explorer Script Errors

Most of the time, Internet Exporer Script Errors are nuisances. If you are tired of seeing errors that are outside of your control, you can choose to disable these errors.

Open Internet Explorer

Open the %26lt;Tools%26gt; menu

Select the %26lt;Internet Options%26gt; menu item

Open the %26lt;Advanced%26gt; tab

Check the box next to "Disable script debugging

Remove the check next to "Display a notification about every script error"

Click the %26lt;OK%26gt; button

Repairable Causes of Internet Explorer Script Errors

In some cases, the error is something which you can change or repair on your PC. These issues include:

Java Applets, Active scripting , ActiveX controls are being blocked. This blocking can be the due to the configuration of Internet Explorer, an anti-virus programs, a PC firewall, or a network firewall.

Your anti-virus software is configured to scan your Downloaded Program Files or Temporary Internet Files folders.

The relevant scripting engine on your computer is corrupt or outdated.

Internet-related folders on your computer are corrupt.

Your video card drivers are corrupt or outdated.

DirectX is corrupt or outdated on your computer.

What does "Internet Explorer Script Error" mean?microsoft word 2003 internet explorer
Check you computer's clock for date and time to make sure it is correct. If it is, follow these steps.

Try disabling Script Debugging. If there are problems with the script on websites you visit, you'll get the error message constantly.

-In IE on the Tools menu, click Internet Options

-In the Internet Options dialog box, click Advanced

-Click to select the Disable script debugging check boxes

-Click to clear the Display a notification about every script error check box

-Click Apply, Click OK

-A reboot may be required for your settings to stick

I'm Getting an Internet Explorer Yahoo Error!?


I'm getting an Internet Explorer yahoo error when I double click on someone's name to talk to them, or they Buzz me. The error is:

Internet explorer Error.

An error has occured in a script on this page.

Line: 107

Char: 2

Error: Access is Denied

Code: 0


Do you want to continue to run script's on this page?

Yes or No?

Could someone tell me what's going on? I just had bought a new system, reformatted it, placed Window's XP Home Addition on it, and downloaded Yahoo. It's never gave me this trouble til now. I also have the newest Internet Explorer that I downloaded from the Yahoo home page in the section of Downloads. What might be going on? Is it in my system, or the software?

Thank you.


I'm Getting an Internet Explorer Yahoo Error!?default browser

1- Clear History

2- Delete Temp internet files

3- scandisk

4- restart your pc

5- if it is still making same problem then search for a virus or worm

6- Otherwise :S:S:S:S Format your PC. (BEST OPTION)

I'm Getting an Internet Explorer Yahoo Error!?microsoft word download internet explorer

I wish I could help you. I am having a similar problem. If you find out, please let me know.
It's Got To Do With Yahoo And Some Of the Javascipt Aspects They Use And Your Internet Security All Combined...

Give Full Permissions To Yahoo In your Internet Security Program and You Should Get No More Hassles.

Friday, November 27, 2009

How can I stop getting runtime errors with Internet Explorer?

I'm getting plagued with runtime errors while downloading web pages using Internet Explorer. It only seems to occur with certain websites, but for those that are affected, it's become worse and worse over the last few weeks. A couple of friends have suggested I clear the cache, but that doesn't seem to help.

I've managed to get round it for the time being by selecting "Disable script debugging" in Internet Options. But ideally I'd like to find out what is causing the problem and how to fix it properly. I would apprectiate and suggestions or advice.

How can I stop getting runtime errors with Internet Explorer?microsoft access

This problem is present in IE 1/2/3/4/5/6. IE 7 is just great, perfect and fast... Upgrade to that.... This problem existed in my Windows 2000 also...


Download Mozilla Firefix (THE BEST BROWSER)

1. Very fast

2. Complete security

3. Blocks pop-ups

4. Stops unwanted virus checks

All these lack in IE

Download it if you do not wish to upgrade to IE7 or if your Windows is not Genuine or if you have Win 2000/NT, etc

How can I stop getting runtime errors with Internet Explorer?windows mobile 6 internet explorerThis is silly because you don't have any problem, you're just running your browser in script debugging mode. It is the designer of the page that has the problem. The problem being he doesn't know how to write his script correctly and it has errors in it. Report It

Are you using Norton Internet Security? If so disable it, it is a horrible program that makes it near impossible to use the internet.
Update to IE7 and reinstal java and shockwave, if this does not fix your problem then you possibaly have some malware or a virus on your computer, try scanning to see.
alh333 You have no idea what you are talking about, and really shouldn't be giving advice esp when the advice is to turn off anti virus/firewalls. It has nothing to do with his virus/firewall.

I have to be honest with you, IE is not the best browser on the market.

Ok in ie

1. Open Internet Explorer.

2. Click on Tools, then on Internet Options.

3. Click on the Advanced tab.

4. Look for the "Disable script debugging" line and put a check mark in the box.

5. Now look for the "Display a notification about every script error" line and remove the check mark in the box.

That will now stop the pop up window driving you mad. It's a mixture of bad web page designers and IE not being able to follow the rules. Hence why when your designing web pages you always have to write work arounds for Internet Explorer.

The reason you where getting all the pop ups was because you had it in debugging mode. As a rule of thumb you don't really need it on unless you are debugging your script. It's off by default.

If that doesn't help then you need to scan you pc for spyware and adware.

Why is this line of Javascript giving me errors in Internet Explorer (but not other browsers)?

This function is causing errors for me in Internet Explorer - all other browsers show it correctly: = "none";

Here's the full function....

%26lt;script type="text/javascript"%26gt;

var current = "1";

function pageSwitch(id){

if(!document.getElementById) return false;

var div = document.getElementById("page"+id);

var curDiv = document.getElementById("page"+current); = "none"; = "block";

current = id;




I get 'Object Required' when I view the page in IE- works fine on Opera / Firefox etc....

Why is this line of Javascript giving me errors in Internet Explorer (but not other browsers)?microsoft outlook

No need to reinstall Java... JavaScript is built into web browsers and have nothing to do with the Java Runtime.

However, for full browser compatibility, I recommend using the language tag also, ex:

%26lt;script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"%26gt;

On to the problem...

If you have your page posted somewhere, please provide a URL to view the page.

Without seeing the page, there are multiple causes. I'm going to assume the most common for beginners (and I apologize if you are not)...

In your code, your assigning "curDiv" the reference to an object with an elementID of "page1" when the page loads. So make sure you have an elementID of the same name (cAsE SenSITivE)!




%26lt;div id="page1"%26gt;I must exist when the page loads.%26lt;/div%26gt;



If it's not that, post up the URL and I can have a look at it to get a better view on what's happening. The function looks great, so I'm assuming the problem is somewhere with the function calls or the ID names...

Robert Roati

After this posting, I tried this function myself with the following code, and all worked well:


%26lt;script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"%26gt;

var current = "1";

function pageSwitch(id){

if(!document.getElementById) return false;

var div = document.getElementById("page"+id);

var curDiv = document.getElementById("page"+current); = "none"; = "block";

current = id;




%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

#page1 {display: block;}

#page2 {display: none; }

#page3 {display: none; }



%26lt;img id="page1" onclick="pageSwitch(2)" src="1.bmp" /%26gt;

%26lt;img id="page2" onclick="pageSwitch(3)" src="2.bmp" /%26gt;

%26lt;img id="page3" onclick="pageSwitch(1)" src="3.bmp" /%26gt;



... nice function by the way.

Why is this line of Javascript giving me errors in Internet Explorer (but not other browsers)?windows messenger internet explorerThanks, it wouldn't let me pick a best answer when I tried a few weeks back :) Report It

You could try this to see if it will solve the problem,

uninstall the java application from the Add/Remove programs then visit their website and download a fresh copy of java and install the application again the web address is,

good luck.
I'll tell you why IE pumps up an error for it- IE sucks. Plain and simple. It manages to find errors in everything...somehow.

Why all of the sudden am I getting certificate errors when using internet explorer?

There is a problem with this website's security certificate.

This organization's certificate has been revoked.

Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server.

We recommend that you close this webpage and do not continue to this website.

Click here to close this webpage.

Continue to this website (not recommended).

More information

If you arrived at this page by clicking a link, check the website address in the address bar to be sure that it is the address you were expecting.

When going to a website with an address such as, try adding the 'www' to the address,

If you choose to ignore this error and continue, do not enter private information into the website.

For more information, see "Certificate Errors" in Internet Explorer Help.

Why all of the sudden am I getting certificate errors when using internet explorer?windows live messenger

What you are seeing is not uncommon (or, at least, not as uncommon as it should be). As companies change, reorganize, rebrand, and merge, sometimes certificates go bad. I would suspect that you are just now seeing the problem either because the certificate has just been revoked or because some update you have made to IE has set the "check certificate" option to always make the check.

If I know the site and it was just a matter of the name on the certificate did not match the website, I would not have a problem. Expired certificates also show up and I don't worry that much about them if I know who I'm dealing with. Both of these are often innocent.

On the other hand, having a certificate revoked does not sound normal. I would hesitate to use that site without researching the company a bit more.

Help with Internet Explorer Javascript errors & i cant see videos or music on people's mysp

I've tried practically everything my internet options pretty much say my javascript is on but since my dad updated our norton internet security i've been getting a lot of errors like when i get an email on yahoo my message duznt show, on myspace i click to view my next page of friends it wont do anything also i myspace i cant post bulletins or send messages its pretty much any link that when you look at the bottom left hand corner of the page it begins with javascript i lcick it and in the corner it jus says error on page and idnt no wut to do i get on my dads login internet works fine o nmie its screwed up

my second problem which is also a problem o nmy dads internet on his login - it says i need to update my flashplayer or turn on javascript javascript is turned on and my flashplayer is updated! on my internet the install button wldnt show up on where u download the flashplayer but on my dads it did but it still didnt help... i need help NOW i mgetting annoyed with my internet!

Help with Internet Explorer Javascript errors %26amp; i cant see videos or music on people's myspaces?windows media player 11

the firewall is blocking it - turn firewall off then try then turn firewall back on.

Vista, Internet Explorer 7, certificate errors on Yahoo?

Man, Microsoft really did screwed the pooch when they changed the security settings on Vista and Internet Explorer 7! I'm noticing a lot more "This organization's certificate has been revoked." then closes the page, and it's driving me mad!

It's even happening on Yahoo Mail where I can log in at work using IE7 with Windows XP Pro, but I can't do so at home with Vista Ultimate on my HP laptop!

Microsoft solution? "It is also possible that the website's certificate has expired and the owner or operator needs to renew the certificate in order to continue using it."

Isn't that nice of them to tell us that so we have to tell Yahoo to renew it. OH WAIT!!! I CAN'T!! Every time I try to log in on Yahoo, their certification HAS BEEN REVOKED AND CLOSES THE WINDOW!!!

I'm not a real big fan of Firefox, but I've been using it lately because of these errors.

There's got a to be a way to override it so I can continue on the page instead of closing down IE. Has anyone found one??

Vista, Internet Explorer 7, certificate errors on Yahoo?microsoft excel


Thank you for your concern and for bringing this error to The Yahoo Networks attention. Yahoo try to deliver the best service available and I am sorry to hear that you have had trouble accessing the Yahoo network.

This question has been forwarded to Yahoo Staff members purely to bring awareness to the situation.

While you will not be contacted with any formal response or solution, we can try fix the solution to provide a better service.

I advise that you contact Yahoo here:

Or email them a help form directly here:

I hope this helps


Vista, Internet Explorer 7, certificate errors on Yahoo?microsoft updates internet explorerThe problem is seemingly caused by an incompatibility between IE and Norton security products. If u use Norton 360, turn the transaction security off on 360. Report It

The internet explorer is showing errors lexplore is it a virus ,i tried cleaning via Norton antiviru

The internet explorer is showing errors lexplore ,is it a virus ,i tried cleaning using Norton antivirus but it doesnt catch that virus...does anybody has answer how should i get rid off this problem. lexplore slows down browsing system stops responding, at regular intervals.

The internet explorer is showing errors lexplore is it a virus ,i tried cleaning via Norton antivirus.?microsoft office 2007

Did you update the Virus Defination/data file? Also try to install AntiSpyware such as Spybot search and destroy, or microsoft defender

The internet explorer is showing errors lexplore is it a virus ,i tried cleaning via Norton antivirus.?windows media internet explorer

make an online scan complete at trendmicro--housecall65 , it will take time but good
It may be a virus or it may be a spyware. Try the following

Virus - AVG Anti Virus

Spyware - Ewido Anti Malware

Trojan - Trojan Hunter
Get rid of norton, its a big resource hog!

All free..


Or AVAST....

Or a-squared.....

Or Computer Associates.....

For Trojans try these ( free to try),



How do I avoid errors in Internet Explorer when using xsl and xml and the xsl is not where it should

I am using an XSL file to format an xml document. The idea is that the two files will be in the same directory and when the user double clicks on the .xml file it will be displayed nicely in Internet Explorer. The problem is that if Internet Explorer can't find the .xsl file it shows an error and won't display the xml file. Is there anyway that I can get it to display the xml file like it normally does if you don't have a stylesheet associated with it if it does not find the .xsl file instead of displaying the error message?

How do I avoid errors in Internet Explorer when using xsl and xml and the xsl is not where it should be?windows installer

I don't think it is a bug. If an xml file uses an xsl file, it is reported by IE because the display would not be as expected by the xml author. I am not aware of any way to supress this error.

How do I avoid errors in Internet Explorer when using xsl and xml and the xsl is not where it should be?microsoft vista internet explorer

Well, IE has way too many problems for trying to fix this and stay sane at the same time.

When IE7, hopefully such bugs as this will be fixed.

As I web designer, I understand you want your site to look great in all browsers...and I strive to do the very same thing, myself...

But there comes a time when you have to either say "sorry, IE users, this site wont work for you" or, go back to the drawing board.

Sorry I couldn't have been more help...

Can anyone tell me why all of a sudden I am getting all the run time errors, internet explorer scrip

To resolve this problem, you will need to disable script and runtime errors. Perform the following to configure Internet Explorer to ignore these script and runtime errors:

Open Internet Explorer.

Click on Tools and select Options.

Click on the Advanced tab.

Put a check in the box next to Disable script debugging

Remove the check in the box next to Display a notification about every script error if this box is currently checked.

Click OK to confirm your changes.


If possible try to re-install your JDK followed by either re-installing IE or patching your IE completly.

Can anyone tell me why all of a sudden I am getting all the run time errors, internet explorer script errors?safari browser

Internet explorer is unreliable. try firefox.

How can I fix internet explorer shut down errors??

I will be working normally in internet explorer then it pops up the error reporting window that internet explorer has encountered and error and needs to close.......I then have the option to send the error report or not....then I have to restart what I was doing.....this seems to have started after a program I loaded, addded google toolbar to my internet explorer......could this be the problem????


How can I fix internet explorer shut down errors??windows mobile 6

that always happens with ie . fix it this way

hit on start%26gt; control panel %26gt;add remove %26gt; hit on set program access %26amp; defaluts .con . when that is set right hit on explorer icon hit on properties. then hit on advanced tab then hit on restore defaluts . then. Restart your computer in Safe mode (recommended) start work on the infected computer. go to safemode on ur pc. restart pc. as pc is starting up. keep hitting on (F8) key you come to menu a go to safemode . hit on enter then enter again. pc will go to login screen . go to ur *ADMIN) name hit on that

then run .da scan to find that spyware %26amp; malware..trojans

when found . delete . then restart pc

How can I fix internet explorer shut down errors??microsoft office 2003 internet explorer

Reinstall IE7 the current version. When the program installs, will remove all associated files and reinstall the new version all over again. This time, don't check off "googles toolbar", as one of the items you want installed.


How Do I Get Rid of Internet Explorer Script Errors?

I only get them on a few web sites, such as I tried the solutions listed at Microsoft, also the Yahoo Help Desk. This includes going to Internet Options, Advanced, and clicking on Disable Script Debugging. So for those of you who are recommending that, thanks but it does not work. I use the Yahoo browser. Does anyone else experience this and have a solution that worked? Can someone who knows about these things please go to and see if the same thing happens to you? This is a legitimate web site, it is for the Target Department Stores. Thank you.

How Do I Get Rid of Internet Explorer Script Errors?windows messenger

use firefox internet explorer its safer, faster, and better

How Do I Get Rid of Internet Explorer Script Errors?microsoft works internet explorer

maybe you just need to "disable a notification about every script error"

the errors would still occur, but you wouldn't be annoyingly notified about them (status bar should still indicate a problem though)

what version of internet explorer are you using and which operating system?
The only real solution to getting rid of script errors is to fix them, and we can't fix other people's sites. You use a Microsoft product, you do it the way Microsoft wants you to do it.
You can try this tool to fix it:

Good luck!

Does anyone know why i keep getting internet explorer script errors when i try to message a contact?

i am also getting runtime errors. i am using yahoo messenger 8 but it also happens with other versions. i uninstalled and reinstalled several versions.

Does anyone know why i keep getting internet explorer script errors when i try to message a contact?windows updates

See if this helps. It is about scripting errors.

What is wrong with my computer i keep getting Internet Explorer Script Errors everyrtime i do someth

what do i do? Its really annoying i keep gettin these script errors and i cant do anything with that keep popping up.

it wont go away there are like 100 of them

What is wrong with my computer i keep getting Internet Explorer Script Errors everyrtime i do something?microsoft money

Try disabling Script Debugging. If there are problems with the script on websites you visit, you'll get the error message constantly.

-In IE on the Tools menu, click Internet Options

-Click Advanced

-Click to select the Disable script debugging check boxes

-Click to clear the Display a notification about every script error check box

-Click Apply, Click OK

-A reboot may be required for your settings to stick

For more info on Script Debugging, see this Microsoft webpage

What is wrong with my computer i keep getting Internet Explorer Script Errors everyrtime i do something?windows explorer internet explorer

i get that alot too. i think you should try going on a different websites. becuase on certain websites..the explorer script thing appears on mine too. you can also try to use a different thing. like dont use explorer anymore and try safari or something else.
Try updating to a later version. You should be able to do this automatically using Microsoft Update.

Internet Explorer Script Errors?

How do I get rid of them?

Internet Explorer Script Errors?microsoft project

Seriously, get FireFox. Not only is it faster, it's much more efficient and isn't as buggy. Also, you are almost guaranteed that all web pages will load correctly. In addition, it has more support, as it is user-tested and has tons of plug-ins.

Internet Explorer Script Errors?microsoft powerpoint internet explorer


This should do the trick. It's easy.

Hope this helps.
Try disabling Script Debugging. If there are problems with the script on websites you visit, you'll get the error message constantly.

-In IE on the Tools menu, click Internet Options

-Click Advanced

-Click to select the Disable script debugging check boxes

-Click to clear the Display a notification about every script error check box

-Click Apply, Click OK

-A reboot may be required for your settings to stick

For more info on Script Debugging, see this Microsoft webpage
I agree with John D... if I were you I would switch to Firefox... and didn't even bother trying to understand what is wrong with IE this time... there's always something wrong with it....
You can try this tool to fix it:

Good luck!

Help! internet explorer error!?

Whenever i clicked on the internet explorer icon, it keeps coming up that internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. This happens EVERYTIME. Here is more info about the error:

AppName: iexplore.exe

AppVer: 7.0.6000.16512

ModName: unknown


Offset: 00000000

this results in me unable to use the internet. can anyone help me to debug this problem? thanks!

Help! internet explorer error!?windows xp themes

Try going to the Control Panel, then Internet Options. Next click the Advanced Tab. At the bottom right you should see a Reset... button. You can click it, and it'll reset your Int Explorer to default settings. This might solve the problem. The only thing is you'll have to one by one add your addons back - plugins that you may have installed, etc. Hope this helps!

Help! internet explorer error!?download windows media player internet explorerthanks so much! this really solve my problem! hehe.. looks like u r a computer engineer. Report It

Uninstall it and reinstall it...also try running the version of IE (run without add ons)
Uninstall, then re-install. But you should try downloading Mozilla Firefox - 77% of internet attacks are directed at IE. Plug-ins work fine with Firefox, too
Though I'm not really answering your question, I highly, HIGHLY, recommend Mozilla Firefox. 100000% better than IE.
It seems you are having a corrupted Intrnet Explorer Version7.

Try the following steps:

(1) From the Add/Remove programs of the control panel, uninstall IE7. The system will automatically go back to IE version6.

(2) Then check whether you are able to access the internet. If yes, the problem definitely lies with IE7, which can be reinstalled by downloading from the net. If still you are not able to access the net, then you are rest assured that the problem is not with Internet Explorer and the PC has to be checked for viruses, malicious software, spyware and the like.

Hopefully, this should solve the problem.
Go to Google and type all the error information . They have helped me several times to solve problems. Also go you can go to Microsoft Help web site they have errors listed with fixes. I personally find help received on Google easier to understand. Good luck
You can try this tool to fix it:

Good luck!

Internet Explorer Error (continued from last night)?

I did as some suggested and ran on Firefox and Internet Explorer this morning. Got the IE error after a while and closed it. Firefox has been going strong all day.

Thank you to everyone for your assistance!

Internet Explorer Error (continued from last night)?microsoft frontpage

Describe the problem in detail....

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Need resolution for Internet Explorer error?

When I am reviewing my mail and a second window pops up, after a close it always get an error from my internet explorer. It says Internet Explorer as encountered and error and needs to close. This happens every time, and it doesnot just close the one window it closes all. How can i fix this and can it be fixed. I am not very computer savy, and it's driving me nuts.

Need resolution for Internet Explorer error?microsoft support

This sounds like a computer virus. I'd suggest using AdAware, SpyBot S%26amp;D, and free online scans from Norton and PandaSoftware.

these are all free...

I'd also suggest switching to FireFox because it doesn't have the security bugs.

Need resolution for Internet Explorer error?windows live mail internet explorer

Reinstall the Microsoft internet Explorer ,,, and also , you can use Firefox Browser, it's the same as Microsoft IE with Better Features and it's totally free ,, give it a try

Good Luck
You need to download and install a hotfix for IE which can be downloaded from the following link:
People that know a thing or two about computers will tell you that they don't call it Internet Explorer, but Internet Exterminator. It is by far the worst browser and the most vulnerable for virus, adware and spyware infections. Take my advise and quit using it. I suggest you install Mozilla Firefox, the safest browser there is. And it is free also. Here is the link for Firefox:

Internet Explorer bbbbbbbb error, please help?

I have this weird internet explorer error (6.0), whenever i open a page sometimes there's this line of BBBBBBBBBBB on the top left corner of the pages, can someone please tell me how to fix this? It prevents me from opening some pages, especially when it involves the redirection web sites indirectly.

Internet Explorer bbbbbbbb error, please help?microsoft visual studio

well you need to update your internet explorer 6, or check for spyware

here you can download some updates

Internet Explorer bbbbbbbb error, please help?ie internet explorerIf you are using the router, you may switch off your router. And turn it on....your problem will be solved. I've faced the same problem b4. Report It

Seems to be a spyware.

Get hold of Adaware or Spyware Doctor

Yahoo toolbar causes internet explorer 7 error on exiting?

There are 2 addon listed in internet explorer, Yahoo Toolbar and Yahoo toolbar helper, both using file yt.dll. If I disable the addon for the Toolbar helper the Internet explorer error goes away.( the explorer error is an Application error 0x6c371351 cannot reference memory at 0x00000004 click ok to terminate program) can anyone tell me why this is happening and what the toolbar helper does and what effects of having it disabled are.

Yahoo toolbar causes internet explorer 7 error on exiting?windows registry


Yahoo toolbar causes internet explorer 7 error on exiting?ie 6 internet explorer

IE 7 is screwed up BIG's not the toolbar. Uinstall IE 7 and go back to 6 things should be fine

Gmail and Internet Explorer error?

My Gmail opens fine but my sister (in a different state) is having a MAJOR prob.

Gmail allows her to sign in but once her Inbox opens, she gets an Internet Explorer error msg box saying IE has to shut down, she can close the box, send report, or cancel. No matter what she selects, her browser closes. She e-mailed Gmail from a seperate acct. and they told her to empty her cache, change her security settings to "low," empty temp files, and reboot. Didn't help.

I can open her e-mail at my house but she can't on her computer so it seems there's something not jibing betw. Internet Explorer and the Gmail program.

Oh, NO other browsers/e-mail programs give her error msgs. and no one else in the house can open their Gmail accounts either.

We're not computer illiterate so save your "reboot" and "turn off caps lock" answers.


Gmail and Internet Explorer error?windows 95

There may be an error in scripting in your IE browser that is conflicting how gmail is loaded up. Have you tried reinstalling your IE or upgrading to a newer version? Other than that, I have no clue as to what maybe the problem.

Gmail and Internet Explorer error?download ie internet explorerI wish I could have been more help though. :) I hope you find the problem and get it fixed. :) Thank you for picking my answer as the best one. Report It

Does she try to log into gmail using the bookmark to gmail?

She needs to clean her cache one more time. Go to tools then internet options and delete temporarily files. Then delete the gmail bookmark and just type into the address bar and tell her to log in. Its possible that the link she is using is using an old caching system for authenticating her login so she needs to manually go to gmail instead.

Internet explorer error messages?

I recieve an "Internet Explorer has run into troulbe and must shut down"....then I immediatley get this "send error report?" and it boots me off-line, this only happens at one certain web page...any suggestions? ( I've already deleted both temp cookies and files"....even bought a program "PC Mighty Max" that claimed it would fix that specific it didnt %26lt;smile%26gt;

Internet explorer error messages?windows 2000

If its just happening with that particular site in question then its nothing to do with your computer, its that site. May be there is a script on that webpage you are trying to access that causes IE to behave badly...

Internet explorer error messages?internet explorer internet explorer

Something on certain web pages is making your browser crash. You should send the error report when it asks you.. and click and see if there's anymore information as to what caused the problem.

Try using a different browser.

Internet explorer error keeps showing up?

i have a gaia online account and after their halloween event i can't change my avatar clothes on my laptop. each time i click on the button to change my clothes the bar at the bottom of internet explorer says error--and a something about javascript......if i use someone elses computer i can change clothes just fine----i updated my java stuff but that didn't help.....i deleted my cache and that did nothing......tried firefox and it didn't change anything either.......what can i do?

ps---i tried restoring ie and it didn't work

Internet explorer error keeps showing up?windows themes

Ah, I have an account on there also. Yeah it's something to do with the comic strips and the bandwidth exceeding. Anyways, Try using Mozilla or Opera. You may have to download JVE (Java Virtual Enviornment) I had to that after 2K5 X-Mas.

Why cant i play games every time I try to sign on to a game gives me an error internet explorer erro

i have also tried to bring up different free games sites and still get the same error Internet Explorer has error

this has been going on for a week now

Why cant i play games every time I try to sign on to a game gives me an error internet explorer error?microsoft word 2003


Sorry you are having problems. Turning off the blocker causes too many problems. For one thing you can't pop-up players profiles! To set your pop-up blocker properly, for Yahoo! tool bar, when you try getting on a site or link and it doesn't work, click on pop-up blocker, always allow tab and it will say recent pop-ups blocked. Highlight the "site", then click allow. For Internet explorer; click Tools at top of page, Internet Options, privacy tab. Then at the bottom click edit on web site cookies, type in "the site name".com Then click allow and then click OK.

Then click back on the General tab and Clear Cookies and Temporary Files. Restart your computer and sign-in to mail first

Have fun playing.

Why cant i play games every time I try to sign on to a game gives me an error internet explorer error?internet explorer 6 internet explorer


To play games on Yahoo with no hassles from your PC please read on, do one thing at a time till you get in, or do them all for hassle free games on yahoo.....

Make sure you pop up blocker is OFF (top of your browser click tools, a pull down menu will appear with your pop up blocker)and once in the lounge click "options" bottom left of lounge and choose the small tables option

If problems still persist read on...........

Yahoo will not tell you when they update, they just do it. So when games/chat have a problem you can bank on it that Yahoo have updated..and Yahoo update often...When yahoo updates you must update as well

there are 2 choices of Java you can use.......Sun Java and Virtual Machine....some prefer the sun java

but the Virtual Machine works better for games and you do need Java to play in games, ( without it some won't get in and if some do get in , they won't stay in games)

Update............. -- If you cant log into chat/games it is because Yahoo's browser has issues with SUN java as default, the coffee cup sux... The Virtual Machine Java works better with yahoo. Yahoo is Java dependant.

This is also the reason for the games applets not loading and some web cam issues. The easiest fix is to update , make sure all your windows are updated

Click this link ... ...

and choose what is your best option.

N.B. It is unwise to use Sun Java and Virtual machine together, this may cause conflicts

After December 31st 2007 Virtual Machine will not be supported by Microsoft, there will be no enhancements. Which means VM will still work, but will not be updated

and clean up after yourself%26gt;

read on if you still cannot get in

Right click your explorer icon on your properties..then the general tab (top left) the temporary internet files section (middle), choose view objects...see all Yahoo downloaded programme files?

if any are damaged, right click them and delete them..they reload each time you logg into games..right click them all and choose update, or bite the bullit and delete reloads each time you logg in

Problem with internet explorer---error keeps appearing?

i have a gaia online account and after their halloween event i can't change my avatar clothes on my laptop. each time i click on the button to change my clothes the bar at the bottom of internet explorer says error--and a something about javascript......if i use someone elses computer i can change clothes just fine----i updated my java stuff but that didn't help.....i deleted my cache and that did nothing......tried firefox and it didn't change anything either.......what can i do?

Problem with internet explorer---error keeps appearing?download windows xp

If your IE =7, Tools --%26gt; Internet options--%26gt;Advanced--%26gt;

Click on Reset

if your IE = 6 Tools --%26gt; Internet options--%26gt;Advanced--%26gt;

Click on Restore advance settings

How to stop windows internet explorer error cutting me off the net?

It comes up with window internet explorer error it then asked do you want to send error report or dont send either one you press it takes you off the net when you click the internet icon it keeps coming up please help

How to stop windows internet explorer error cutting me off the net?microsoft word download

You only need to do a search on here to see how many people are having problems with IE. The best thing to do is download Mozilla Firefox available from Its faster, more user friendly, easily customisable to suit your needs and no problems.

How to stop windows internet explorer error cutting me off the net?internet explorer download internet explorer

either restore your pc

to just b4 the trouble started

or get rid of IE7 in my opinion it's rubbish

reload 6 or better still get firefox online

it's free and much less troublesome
Can't wait to see the answers on this - I get the same problem at work and at home and it drives me crazy - good question - sorry I can't help.
I have IE 7 and it works fine.

Uninstall IE 7 in control panel.

Click on start and in the menu click Search.

Click All Files and Folders.

Where it says, All or part of the file name. Type in IE 7.

Wait for it to finish searching. You will see any IE 7 files left on your computer. Delete these files to your recycle bin. One or two may say, Warning Cannot delete file. Ignore those that won't

delete and continue deleting. When you have finished close search results completely and go back to Desktop.

Open recycle bin and delete the contents.

You can go back and do a quick search but even the ones that said, cannot delete will have gone.

Download and install IE7 again and if you have the same problem it could be with your computer rather than IE 7. Millions of people are now using it with no problems. Make sure you install the new IE 7 exactly as per instruction. You may have to disable your Anti-Virus for the reinstall.
As nice as IE7 is, it's still new so still has many faults and loopholes. Try Mozilla Firefox 2 or IE6 or Opera.

Windows internet explorer error?

Why do I keep getting a windows internet explorer block saying unexpected problem has occurred(Call to undefined method mail folder::getfolder name()) when I read mail. Even after I shutdown and come back, I get this error.

Windows internet explorer error?download windows media player

There is something wrong with your IE browser.

Please try the following 2 ways.

1 uninstall the IE and reinstall the latest IE

2 reinstall the operating system

E-mails contents were missing & internet explorer error always appear in the screen...?

1) My incoming mails in Yahoo Classic were all blank when I open my "inbox" but when I checked it in Yahoo Beta, I can see all the messages there. I don't like to use Beta at all because I am comfortable in using the original one.

2) Everytime I am in any site, a notice of "Internet Explorer Error" appears all the time %26amp; need to close the page. My time spent only to close %26amp; open again %26amp; again everyday.

E-mails contents were missing %26amp; internet explorer error always appear in the screen...?windows vista home premium

The Beta version is being phased out gradually over the various farms. When the Beta Tag disappears for your farm, you will be in real trouble.

The latest version is a real mess.

Your best option will be to setup yMail to use POP and put it through a normal email client like OutLook or something. It isn't hard to do and is much more efficient and cleaner than browsers.

Another option is to try different Browsers. Each one will reveal a different assortment of bugs, hence the mess.

E-mails contents were missing %26amp; internet explorer error always appear in the screen...?ie tab internet explorer

Clear your browsers cashe.

In Internet Explorer, click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options.

On the General tab, under Browsing history, click Delete.

Click Delete files, and then click Yes.

Click Close, and then click OK.


You may have scripting disabled in your Internet Explorer.

To enable scripting:

Click the "Tools" menu on your Internet Explorer toolbar and select "Internet Options."

Click the "Security" tab.

Click the Internet (globe) icon and click the "Custom Level" button.

Scroll down to "Scripting."

Enable the following:

Active scripting

Allow paste operations via script

Scripting of Java applets are all enabled

Click the OK button at the bottom of the window.


Still can`t get it? Try Classic Mail at the top of your page. (Don`t worry you can return)

Hows that?


Now you are in Classic Mail Right? Messages all there?

If not try this. = Select any email where the header information is displayed, but there is

nothing in the

"body" of the message where you would expect to find text, etc.

Move your mouse to the area of the expected "body" of the message and right-click...on

the menu that appears, click on "Encoding"...on the menu that appears, if "Auto Select"

has a check mark, leave it as is...if not click "Auto Select"; then this menu will

disappear...right click again in the "body" to cause the same menu to display again...then

click on "Western European (Windows)" should now be able to view the "body" of

all messages that you couldn't view before...obviously, if the problem somehow occurs

again, do the same procedure described above again. I have no idea how or why these

settings get "changed" or "corrupted" after everyday use, but apparently they sometimes


Hows that?


Ok PC has problems then. Update your operating system, Browser, Shockwave Flash ,

Java. Everything. Get all patches. The whole works. Also try Firefox browser.

Note in Classic Yahoo Mail in a pinch try this. =

Put message in Print Copy. Then read it. OR

Click Reply on Message to read it. Then backbutton out. OR

Put message in Excel or Wordpad to read it. OR Forward to another working email

